In Japan, teachers are in charge of the coaches for the school’s sports teams. Therefore, some schools’ basketball coaches don’t have any background in basketball. The performance training scene is even worse. Some teams are working on the performance training in totally wrong ways which cause serious injuries. Especially for women’s teams, it seems players never been taught how to use their body. Most of them shoot the ball with two hands, and they don’t run, stop and jump in the proper forms. It is still not common in Japan to have coaches from outside, but for those schools, we are introducing and sending coaches and trainers to create better basketball learning environment for grassroots.
From this September, we sent a performance training coach to a high school women’s basketball team. The head coach of the team used to be a great college player, and she has played basketball in the top college level. So, she can teach basketball skills and knowledges well based on her experience. But, she was struggling with coaching because the team cannot win the games. The performance training is one of our effective solutions for the team. She understands the importance of performance training, and she wants to let her players take performance training from a professional for improving their basketball skills.
At the first performance training day, the training coach made a presentation prior to the actual training in order to make better understanding in performance training. He explained what the performance training is, why players need it, and how they will work on. After the presentation, players became interested in the performance training.
Then, they moved to the gym and took the first training. For the first time, the training coach introduced the very basic trainings to the players in order to evaluate their performance level and learning speed. Surprisingly, they picked up things very fast and performed very well even though it was the first time to take performance training for them. Also, they enjoyed it very much.
This project has just started. And, it is time taking project to get good results. However, we had a great start to work with the team. We are looking forward to seeing how they will improve in 3 months! We will keep posted how it goes.
New Project; Sending Performance Coach to a High School Women’s Basketball Team.