Why we haven’t had any Japanese player in NBA since Yuta Tabuse played 4 games for Phoenix Suns back in 2004?
One of the biggest reasons is that there is not enough environment for learning basketball to be a pro player in Japan. Our solution for that problem is providing opportunities for the Japanese players to take the same experiences with the NBA stars as much as possible. For the players who have budget and time, we suggest them to fly to Los Angeles for taking the intensive workouts under the great NBA skills trainers. For the players who cannot go abroad, we have invited NBA Skill trainers and former NBA D-League players to Japan and host basketball clinics for players in all levels. You can see our previous clinics at our Basketball Clinic Page.
In this November, we will invite an NBA skills trainer Shea Frazee from ICE-O to Japan, and host a series of clinics in Japan. Shea will stay and have clinics in Japan from November 22 to November 29. If you are interested in the details, please contact us through the CONTACT FORM. We will provide team workouts as well as individual workout.
Loop Basketball Clinic with Shea Frazee
19 October, 2017